
APIC comes with tens of awesome features that help you throughout your API development lifecycle starting from Designing, Developing till Testing.

API Designer

Designing your APIs before starting development could significantly reduce cost, effort and time to market. No matter how complex your API design may be, with APIC's designer tool you can convert them to beautiful visual representations.
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Import Swagger/Create New
When it comes to kickstart your API design with APIC, you can either import existing Swagger specs or start fresh with an API Project.
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Visualize your API design
Visually represent your API endpoint by defining header, body, params (path, query), all possible response types and their respective schema.
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Design & Reuse
You can create models and traits and reuse them across your project either my adding them to an endpoint (traits) or by referring them (models) in any JSON schema.
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Sophisticated Schema designer
APIC provides a very Sophisticated and Powerful tool for defining the structure of your data by defining JSON schema. Alternatively if you have a JSON schema you can convert it into a beautiful visual representation by pasting it in the text area under JSON schema tab.
Write API tests even during Design
We believe the best time to start writing tests for your APIs is to start at the very begining, that is when the API spec is being defined. Thats whay API provides you the option to start writing tests starting from the Design phase.
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API Tester

APIC provides a powerful platform for testing your APIs. With features like test suites, multiple environments support, schema validations, random data generation; you can perform an end to end testing of your APIs.
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Test APIs
Make API call by defining URL, method, add Query params, Headers, Body and Authorization. Save them for later. Share with others. You can also send dynamic data in body each time you make the request.
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Instantly switch Environments
APIC allows you to manage environments. Add multiple environment variables. Use them in while making API calls to switch between environments.
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Test with Scripts and Schema
You can add test cases by adding them in scripts panel. Also validate the response against a predefined schema.
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Create Test Suites. Test with a single click
Create Test Suites, add requests into them. Select Environment. Run them in sequence with a single click.
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Generate test report
Want to share the run result with others? click on the Download button in the Run Results panel. This will download an HTML file the you can open with any browser to see the run result.
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API Documentation

APIC automatically converts your APIs designs into beautiful functional documentations that will help others to get on board faster. With yuor docs generated, you are just a click away from publishing it online and sharing your awesome API design with rest of the world.
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Dashboard allows you to create/manage teams, publish API documentation with third-party developers etc with a lot of new features soon to be added like saving and sharing reports.
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Team Management

APIC allows seamless sharing of API projects, Requests, TestSuites etc with others by creating teams. You can see your existing teams here as well as the list of teams you are a member of.
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Publish API Docs online

Want other third party developers on board with your APIs? Then share your documentation online by publishing it with APIC.
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API Simulator

APIC's API simulator allows you to simulate your API responses based on the API design you have defined; so that your front-ent team can still continue to work even the backend API are not ready. You can simulate response for any status type you wish for; for example 200 (ok), 404 (Not found) or 500 (Internal server error).
Once the API simulation is enabled you will get a simulation key (simKey) which you can use to simulate you API. You can mock your API endpoint at https://apic.app/mock/{simkey}/{api-endpoint}?statusCode={statuscode}
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